Thursday 28 May 2015

Summer Camp Ideas !

It's about that time for summer camps to start! But, what if you have no idea of where to start for choosing the best camp suited for your little one?

Here are a few tips to aide in finding the best fit for your children to ensure they have a blast this Summer!
First, what are the different types of camps out there?

Specialty camps meet a child's certain interest, such as drama, music or sports.
Please feel free to check out our specialty camps Kids party ideas and camps Vancouver

Traditional camps offer a wide range of activities, from sports and crafts to skill building and esteem building.

Travel camps take the little ones on hikes, bike, horseback or canoe rides in parks or other outdoor sites, including abroad.

Special needs camps are designed to meet the needs of children with physical, mental or learning disabilities.

Day camps can be a combination of fun activities and field trips, generally offered during regular workday hours. Some offer early drop-off and late pickup hours.

What are the questions to ask?
1. Ask other parents and your friends?

The best thing you can do is ask around your community and circle of parent friends. Ask at your community or local rec centre, your child's school, or even at their sport's events. Chances are high that another parent or friend has heard of or seen a sign or bulletin featuring day camps. Get their advice and share your thought too.

2. Start your research early.
Camps do fill up months ahead of time especially the good ones. So, research all your options early for the best choice.

3. Involve your children in the decision, show them the website.
You may think you know what’s best for your children, but it’s important to involve them in the process. Listen to their input. Perhaps all their friends are choosing one specific camp that you're unaware of. Bonus: It will also get them excited about going, if they were nervous to begin with!

4. Consider the cost.
Summer camp can be expensive, so be realistic about what you can afford. There are many lower-priced options. However, check carefully to be sure you fully understand what you’re getting. Is financial aid available? Will a trip outside the camp cost extra? Is there a refund policy? You don’t want to discover that the camp you chose costs less because it was skimping on activities or the quality of the food.

5. Ask questions.
Feel free to ask as many questions as you like. What is the ratio of staff to campers? What snack options are given? Are allergies or special requirements recognized? What about medical facilities? Washroom facilities?  What are the activities planned? Possibly ask for references from other parents whose kids have attended the camp. Summer camp can be a life-altering, memorable experience. Choosing the right camp can ensure that it leaves a lasting, enjoyable impression.

Above all, choosing a camp that suits both yours and your child's needs is what is most important. Camp is such a great part of childhood. Meeting new friends every Summer. Remember, camp isn’t just for fun. It also helps your child make new friends and build their social skills!
Thanks for checking out my blog!
Marty @ Young Wizards Academy

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